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Nantucket is within reach of the world! Several commercial airlines and charter companies offer direct flights in-season to Nantucket Island from Cape Cod, Boston, New York, Providence, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Chicago, and more US cities.
Nantucket Memorial Airport – Nantucketairport.com is tower controlled year-round between 0600 and 2200 hours. Runway 24 (6303′) has an instrument landing system, touch-down zone, and centerline lights. Fuel is available 24 hours a day with overnight parking and tie-downs available.
Nantucket Airport operates a full FBO: Fixed Base Operator Unicom 122.95, 508-325-5307 nantucket-ma.gov/628/FBO-Services
The Terminal is generally open from 530am until 10pm, depending on the current flight schedules. If you left an item on a plane, you will need to contact your airline operator. If you left this item in the terminal, the Airport security office hours are from 8am to 430pm.
© 2022 Yesterday's Island, Inc. | PO Box 626 | Nantucket, MA 02554